Translations | Traducciones

¿Necesitas traducir tus documentos?
Ya sea para trámites de inmigración, permisos de trabajo, estudios, muchos documentos tienen que ser traducidos de español a inglés (o de inglés a español) por un profesional competente.
Nuestros servicios de traducción son excelentes, a bajo costo y rápidos.
¡Contáctanos ya para ayudarte!

Do you need to translate your documents?
Even if it is for immigration proceedings, work permits, studies, many documents need to be translated from Spanish to English (or English to Spanish) by a competent professional.
Our translation services are excellent, at low cost and fast.
Contact us, so we can help you!


We know. Dealing with exhibits is one of the most exhausting and hard tasks in the office. We have learned how to do it easier and faster.

From exhibits numbers directly on the document (no more stickers needed), to automatic bates numbers, and tabs (“bookmarks” for online sharing PDF documents), we can help!

In case you need to print the exhibits, we will have the project ready and in compliance for your printing service providers. Just contact us!


Discovery? That long process is stressful and it shouldn’t be.

We can help you writing Interrogatories, Requests for Production, Requests for Admission, that you will be able to review/add/update with us.

We can also help you responding to their requests in a timely manner, specially for those Requests for Admission that can be an issue in court if not answered on time.

We will create bundles of documents with or without exhibits numbers or bates numbers for easy access, if you want or need it.

We know what to do! Just contact us!